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We offer you as a general practitioner the unique Vorotek O Scope. This head-borne microscope gives you direct binocular vision so you can work safely in the ear canal, throat or nose.

The Vorotek O Scope gives you mobility (head carried), adaptability (moving with the customer) and speed of action (setting up takes hardly any time).

The O Scope combines direct vision with depth and sharpness with magnification (1.5 X to 1.75 X) and bright light.

Dit plaatje laat grafisch zien hoe de Vorotek O Scope hoofdgedragen microscoop de pupilafstand verkleind

The advantages of the O Scope at a glance

Earwax removal with microsuction

The Vorotek O Scope makes it possible to safely and quickly remove items that do not belong in the ear or block the ear canal.

Combine the Vorotek O Scope with microsuction and let yourself be trained to safely remove earwax with microsuction possibly under the safe supervision of our online ENT doctor.

Oorsmeer verwijderen met microscutie en curettage onder direct zicht van de hoofdgedragen Vorotek O Scope. De binoculaire hoofdgedragen microscoop. Microscutie is een veilige en droge manier om oorsmeer te verwijderen

With microsuction earwax removal is generally considered the most effective and safest way to remove compacted earwax or cerumen.

Here are some of the benefits of microsuction vs irrigation:

Training for general practitioner and assistant

We offer you everything here in one place to microsuction in your general practice.

Do you have a larger team or chain and are curious about a customized solution? Then contact us here.

In our blog “


under direct vision to remove earwax”

you can read all about

Cerumen (Ear Wax) management & removal may be required for a number of reasons including hearing loss, discomfort and the successful completion of audiological procedures such as hearing aid fitting.

Ear Wax removal is a common procedure and is performed by a range of healthcare specialists including ENTs, Audiologists, General Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners.

Historically treatment has typically been via “wet” methods such as syringing or flushing the ear. Today however, the preferred ear wax removal method used by ENT specialists, Audiologists and an increasing number of GPs is manual ear wax removal using Micro-suction or Curettage techniques, under the direct vision of a VorOtek O Scope (or equivalent direct vision device).

Vorotek Microsuction

Oscope Depth

The shift away from “wet” methods such as syringing is being driven by a combination of client demand and Practitioners wanting to adopt a safer and more effective technique. Complications caused by syringing are unfortunately a common reason for legal complaints against GPs.

Today Ear Wax removal by curettage or micro-suction under the direct vision of an O Scope is generally considered to be a safer and more effective treatment. In the same way an operating microscope works the VorOtek O Scope’s optical pathway converges the user’s eyes to just 12mm apart, while illuminating and magnifying the ear canal and tympanic membrane (see figure 1).

This is critical for both micro-suction and curettage techniques as it allows the Practitioner to achieve excellent depth perception in the ear canal and instrument with greater accuracy.

Not only is wax removal under direct vision a safer and more effective technique, it is also a fast and efficient process that will improve overall practice productivity.

If you are ready to make the shift to direct vision ear wax removal, please visit our micro-suction equipment page for more information on equipment and training options. Or send us a sales enquiry.

Explore the Vorotek Cerumen Management range here:

This is the entry-level subscription to get your store listed and give visibility to consumers on the EarwaxShop website.

From: 89,95 / month

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This is the entry-level subscription to get your store listed and give visibility to consumers on the EarwaxShop website.

From: 59,95 / month

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This is the entry-level subscription to get your store listed and give visibility to consumers on the EarwaxShop website.

From: 29,95 / month

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