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Hearing Care Professional & Earwax Removal

We offer you as Hearing Care Professional everything you need to start successfully and safely removing earwax in your store:

In most countries earwax removal is considered a high-risk medical procedure which should only be performed by a demonstrably competent person.

In addition, earwax removal is not always included in the the formal job description of a hearing care professional or an audiologist.

We will navigate you through this complex landscape and provide you with a biotope in which you will become demonstrably competent and work where necessary in the extended arm of an ENT specialist.

We work closely with DutchENT specialist Jan Rombout team, setting the bar high

A selection of audiologists before you::

A real "no-brainer": You stand out from the rest, customers are satisfied, you relieve the burden on the healthcare system and you recoup your investment super fast

Jan Rombout KNO-arts gebruikt de Vorotek O Scope voor mobiliteit, snelheid en aanpasbaarheid.
Earwax removal in your store means more satisfied customers, time savings and additional sales, differentiation from your competitors and more job satisfaction.

We measure the activity of audiologists who have taken our training and the data shows that the average payback period on the investment in training and equipment is 4-6 months.

You improve your existing customer fulfillment and attract new customers. Loyal customers who keep coming back regularly.

Start now and build your reputation.

After your training, we'll help you get clients looking for an ear toilet

Upon completion of our Dry Earwax Removal Training for Hearing Care Professionals, you will become certified and start removing ear wax in your daily practice where required or desired under the supervision of the ENT doctor.

You work according to our high quality standards set forth in the EarwaxShop seal of approval and subscribe for listing on the specially designed website.

Customers who land on the EarwaxShop website are further directed to the nearest audiologist who can clean out their ears with microsuction.

Click through here to the category of products that fits your specialization:

O Scope

The Vorotek O Scope is a headworn binocular 3D microscope that allows you to look and work safely deep into narrow canals such as nose and ear.

Alsoka Medical draagbare microscutiepomp voor droge gehoorgang reiniging en cerumen management.

Microsuction pumps to clean ears from earwax and foreign objects under vacuum.

Training Droge Gehoorgangreiniging Alsoka Medical Vorotek O Scope

Click through here to the different training packages we offer

Disposable micro oorzuigbuisjes, niet steriel, voor droge gehoorgangreiniging met microsuctie

Everything needed to clean and remove cerumen from ears with microsuction and curettage.

Keurmerk Certified Partner EarwaxShop

Here are our subscriptions for ENT remote supervision and EarwaxShop lead generation

Oordruppels op basis van een speciaal mengsel oliën, tijm en oregano om hard oorsmeer zacht te maken

Here you will find ear care products such as ear drops based on specially selected oils, thyme and oregano to soften earwax

Vorotek Power Pack

Click through to all accessories and parts for Vorotek Optical Aids and Microsuction Pumps here


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