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Microsuction units

Dry ear canal cleaning using microsuctionunder the direct vision of the Vorotek O Scope is a simple, safe and effective way to remove excess earwax and blockages from the ear canal.

Our microsuction units have been selected based on years of experience.

Alsoka Medical draagbare microscutiepomp voor droge gehoorgang reiniging en cerumen management.

What is microsuction?

Microsuction of the ear is the removal under vacuum of earwax or other objects lodged in the ear canal. Consider a small vacuum cleaner.

It is widely accepted as the safest, most effective and comfortable technique compared to traditional “wet” ear wax removal methods such as irrigation.

It is the standard method used by ENT doctors.

Microsuction is always done under direct binocular vision. The ENT doctor uses the fixed microscope or the head-borne microscope – the Vorotek O Scope.

Dit plaatje laat grafisch zien hoe de Vorotek O Scope hoofdgedragen microscoop de pupilafstand verkleind

How do you recognize a good microsuction unit?

Our microsuction units are specially selected for the effective, easy, quick and safe removal of earwax.

Our microsuction units meet the most important requirements that ENT specialist Jan Rombout and Professional Nurse & Specialist / Trainer Cerumen Management Meg Bumpstead for a microsuction unit for dry ear canal cleaning:

  • The vacuum pressure is high enough (min. 600mm Hg) and thus the suction is also powerful enough to remove earwax quickly but safely
  • The suction volume is high enough (15-20 l/min). Suction force and suction volume in combination determine whether earwax can be removed properly and with minimal discomfort
  • The speed at which the vacuum pressure is reached fast enough which determines how quickly work can be done after starting the unit and touching the earwax
  • The noise of the unit is limited as this also determines the comfort and experience of the treatment
  • The weight of the (portable) units determines the ease with which the unit can be moved and carried around
  • Unit reliability. Our partner has been working with these units for years with great satisfaction and they are extremely reliable.

Why Alsoka Medical?

We both everything to support you in moving (for example, from irrigation) to or introducing earwax removal by microsuction under direct vision.

To start safely removing earwax:

  • professional training,
  • all the necessary equipment and
  • possible supervision by the ENT physician

View our complete dry ear canal cleaning offerings including training, equipment and ENT physician supervision? Then click here.

This reliable portable microsuction unit is excellent for dry ear canal cleaning and has been used successfully by Vorotek for many years.


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